The borders from the different types of flowering and ornamental deciduous perennial plants are the most attractive part of the garden. With right selection of plants their changing colors and shapes will decorate the area from early spring to late autumn. Not surprisingly, that mix borders are trying to find place in the garden of every style and size.
Lush or natural mix borders will fit to the garden of every style. They can be edged by lawns and paved floor (stone, tile) and wood also. More spectacular the mix borders look at the background of shrubs or vines. But if the background of mix border will be a fence, then to paint it better in light gray or blue-gray color – so it is less visible. Green or dark fence is not the best choice: it merges with green leaves of plants, and dark colors visually narrow space.
Regardless of the style of mix border before you begin to draw a plan, you need to choose the color and shape of the future flower garden and select the plants. If you are not experienced, this task will be difficult. To help you can directories, in which the plants are selected by color, time of flowering and growing conditions. For avoiding unnecessary diversity and problems with care it is better to be limited with small number of species and use different varieties of the same plants. Besides it will allow avoiding excessively rapid expansion of some plantations at the expense of others.
Ground for mix border should be nutritious and well hydrated. To prevent the growth of weeds after planting it is better to add, for example, pine bark. For the first time, as well as in dry days ground will need watering. Mix border needs constant attention, because perennials require regular transplantation and division (usually once in 3-4 years) for stopping of the development of plants and conservation of clear image of the flower gardens.
Some species grow faster and more aggressive than others, so in order to avoid mixing of clumps you have to periodically update the flower bed. Interestingly, during the First world war the border of flowering has become less popular in the UK – it was difficult to find a gardener to take care of them. And today, choosing the decor for the garden, its style and saturation with different plants, it is worth considering how much time you can devote to its care. The popularity of natural gardens and mix borders is big, not least due to the simplicity of maintenance. Although the fashion for organic also played its role.

Beautiful flower gardens
You can create your own flower garden pictures to the envy of all your neighbors. If gardener knows how to do it rightly, it will have great value. The healthier your garden, the better it will look. Usually the garden, that looks good, is a healthy garden.
Below there are some simple ways on how to make your garden bloom the joy of you:
1. The main attention should always be paid to the essentials.
As in every other type of gardening, flower garden must have a sufficient amount of water, light and fertilized soil. The lack of one of these garden items of first necessity may prove to be the beginning of the death of your flower garden.
Flower garden often needs to get more water during dry periods. Also make sure that flower bulbs are planted deep enough and have space, needed for the development of the roots.
2. Mix and match perennials with annuals.
Bulbs perennial flowers do not need to be removed, as they grow and bloom for several years, however, annual plants grow and bloom only for one season. Adding multiple perennial plants for your annual plants will ensure continuous bloom in your garden.
3. Do not forget to cut wilted flowers for appearing new.
Cutting faded flowers is simply cutting flowers after they wither. It will allow the plant to develop better and to bring new flowers. The most important thing: you need to ensure that you do not cut the flowers in the garden, affected by mildew or other diseases.
Remembering all of this information and applying it in practice, you actually get the garden, that will amaze its stunning views, when again will come the time of flowering.